Advasana (Reversed Corpse Pose)

Advasana, also known as the Reversed Corpse Pose, is a yoga posture where you lie on your stomach. This pose is particularly helpful for relaxation and gentle stretching of the body.
- Lie face down on the stomach.
- Stretch both arms above the head, palms facing downward.
- Forehead should rest on the floor, similar to Shavasana.
- Relax the entire body, following the same principles as in Shavasana.
- If breathing difficulty or a sense of suffocation arises, a pillow can be placed under the chest for support.
- After a while, become aware of the body and surroundings, then gently release the posture.
- Natural and rhythmic breathing.
- Optionally, count breaths as in Shavasana while gently pressing the abdomen against the floor.
- For relaxation during healing, stay in the pose as long as it’s comfortable.
- For a brief relaxation during or before an asana session, a few minutes are sufficient.
- Physical: Focus on relaxing the entire body and following the breath.
- Spiritual: Focus on Ajna or Manipura Chakra (third-eye or solar plexus chakra).
- Helpful for individuals with a slipped disc or those with rounded shoulders and a stooped posture.
- Offers gentle stretching and relaxation for the back and spine.
Practice Note
You can synchronize a mantra with your breath, similar to the Shavasana practice.