Eka Padasana (One Foot Pose)
- Stand relaxed, feet together.
- Raise arms directly above, interlock fingers with palms together.
- Bend forward slowly from hips, keeping trunk, head, and arms in line, shifting weight onto right leg.
- Simultaneously, raise left leg straight back, pivoting from right hip joint.
- Body forms a horizontal line, head, arms, and left leg aligned.
- Gaze at hands.
- Hold the pose comfortably, then return upright.
- Lower arms, return to starting position.
- Repeat, raising right leg back.
- Inhale while raising arms.
- Exhale while assuming the final position.
- Breathe normally in the final position.
- Inhale while returning upright.
- Exhale while lowering arms.
Practice up to 3 times on each side.
- Physical: Alignment of limbs, spine, and balance.
- Spiritual: Focus on Swadhisthana or Manipura Chakra (sacral or solar plexus chakra).
- Precede or follow with a backward bending asana, like Makarasana (Crocodile Pose).
- Can be used as preparation for Bakasana (Crow Pose).
Avoid if you have lower back problems, heart problems, or high blood pressure.
- Strengthens arms, wrists, back, hips, and leg muscles.
- Develops muscular coordination, nervous balance, and concentration.