Gupta Padmasana (Hidden Lotus Pose)

Getting into the Pose
- Start in padmasana (lotus pose).
- Place your hands on the floor in front of your knees, lean onto your arms, lift your buttocks, and rise onto your toes.
- Gradually lower the front side of your body to lie down on your belly.
- Rest your chin on the floor.
- Bring your palms together behind your back. Your fingers can point downward or upward in a hand gesture (mudra). If possible, touch the back of your head with your middle fingers.
- Close your eyes and relax your entire body.
Returning to the Starting Position
Return to the starting position, cross your legs the opposite way, and repeat the asana.
- Breathe normally and without restraint while in the final position.
Hold the pose for a comfortable duration.
- Physical awareness on the relaxation of your entire body, your mind, and your breath.
- Spiritual awareness on anahata chakra (heart center).
- Helps correct postural defects in the spine, making it beneficial for achieving better posture.
- Can serve as a relaxation pose, promoting feelings of peace, stability, and emotional balance
Variation for Relaxation
- For complete relaxation, rest your hands on the floor beside your body with your palms facing upward.
- Alternatively, your hands can be turned to one side, allowing one cheek to rest on the floor. After a while, gently turn your head to the other side for an equal amount of time.